M Blog List

Thursday 18 November 2021

We can not judge by what we see

My husband often says ''That doesn't look right.', about a situation, or 'that person looks (so and so)'.  I say 'How do you know what 'right' is, regarding a situation or judge a person by what they look like on the outside ?'  We can never tell by the small amount we know of a situation, or the outside looks of a person, what is going on fully regarding the situation or what the person is like on the inside.  We never see the whole picture.

When I was a prison visitor on a lifer's wing there was a man who cried daily saying that he could not forgive himself for killing his best friend with a claw hammer. I told him that God would forgive him because he had been on drugs, and he did not fully know what he had been doing, and was now repentant. He changed gradually and came to the Lord. There was another person who on the outside looked like a movie star, very handsome and liked to chat. He felt no regret that he had killed someone.

I was once working in a temporary office for a construction company when we were living in Kambalda, West Australia, I had to walk across the large water pipes to get to the office, as there were scorpions and deadly spiders and snakes on the ground. I went to walk up the steps of my office and saw what I thought was a very large black beetle with a red stripe on it's head on one of the steps. I stepped over onto the next step to avoid it. When I went into the office I told one of the men about it. He went out to have a look, came back in and said to me 'That is not a beetle, that is a red back spider eating a black beetle.' I was so glad I had stepped over it as the red back is quite dangerous. 

When we look at some creatures we may think that the larger they are the more dangerous they are, but that is not always so. The red back is more dangerous than the Tarantula , which is much bigger. So we can never judge by what we see, and if we saw the whole picture many of us would think, and act differently,.

If our God judged us by what He saw in us we could never be approached, or accepted by Him. He knows everything about us, whether it be on the inside or the outside, yet He still loves us and wants us to be saved. Jesus sacrificed Himself regardless of our ways and thoughts, and that is true, unjudgmental  love. We can not judge others by what we see or know of them, as the war is spiritual, not against flesh and blood. Ephesians ch. 6 v. 12 What we can do is pray for one another, and for all men everywhere to come to the knowledge of our  Lord Jesus Christ

What we, as human beings may see as 'God' through the carnal mind can be very different to how we see Him when we are born again of His Spirit. Many times, when my blogger friends come over to my blog I will say 'Hi, nice to see you', yet I am only seeing a picture of them. When God comes into our lives through believing in Jesus, even though we do not actually see any picture of Him we can truly say:- ' My ears had heard of you, but now I see You':-  Job ch. 42 v.5 . We see God the Father through Jesus, the Word of God made flesh.


Sandi said...

So true, Brenda.

I was just watching a minister on You Tube, Becket Cook, talk about how an Internet repairman came over to help him and they got to talking about God. The guy looked completely happy and ok, but then he opened up and talked to Becket about some serious burdens affecting his life. They ended up praying together. You never know what is going on with someone or when God is about to move.

P.S. Your prison ministry sounds utterly terrifying (can only be done with God) and also so encouraging. There was a man who thought he could not be forgiven, but he was because of God's great love.

Brenda said...

Hi Sandi, my friend and I met many people who spoke to us about what they were going through. Regarding our prison visiting, we loved it. The chaplain there was really nice, and came out into the streets with us a couple of times, giving out our leaflets. Every time we went into the prison the Rastafarian chef used to come up to us with a plate of cakes saying 'Welcome ladies, come in' :-)

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Thank you so much for all your good works.

God bless.

Brenda said...

Hi Victor, I have always loved doing what the Lord allows me to do. God bless you too.

Bill said...

You are right, you never can get a whole picture of someone just by looking. There is so much more to a person than their appearance. I had a friend who once worked with prisoners, she taught a writing class and they enjoyed it from what she told me. Enjoy your weekend and thanks for stopping by.

Brenda said...

Hi Bill, I don't doubt that your friend enjoyed her prison visiting times. My friend and I were allowed to take my guitar in with us and sing to the prisoners if they wanted us too. It was always their choice, we had keys to their cells and only went in if they wanted us to. It was nice to visit your blog, you are a very good photographer.

Laurie Collett said...

Amen, Brenda -- man looks on the outward appearance, but only God knows the heart. Some are like the Pharisees Jesus described -- gleaming white containers filled with rotten bones -- while others are "ugly" by man's standards, yet have a beautiful heart. Thanks as always for the excellent post. May God bless you and your lovely ministry.

Brenda said...

Hi Laurie, you have described it perfectly. Exterior beauty does not necessarily reflect what is on the inside. Quite often the eyes will reflect what is on the inside, sorrow is difficult to hide, and I have recognized it in many people, especially in the prison. God bless you Laurie.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

God bless.

Brenda said...

God bless you too Victor.

Laurie Collett said...

Hi Brenda,
The prisoners you have visited are truly blessed to have had this encounter with someone who has your compassion and discernment, and who brings the Good News of God's Word. And yet I have no doubt that you were also blessed by the visit, for you can't outgive God, and He will reward you richly for works done in His Name.
God bless you,

Brenda said...

Hi Laurie,
yes I loved our visits to the prison, and felt very blessed to be able to share with the prisoners what God had enabled me to share. I often wonder, in countries where the death penalty operates, how many people who are innocent get put to death, and it is a thing that concerns me. God bless you Laurie.

Sandi said...

Brenda, I'd like to send you an email in response to your story about Fabiola. What is your email address? If you'd rather, I could just post it here in the comments instead.

Sandi said...

You can email me if you click on my profile. 💙

Brenda said...

Hi Sandi, for some reason my email keeps giving me a message saying it must be updated, and it doesn't seem to be functioning.You can give it a try, it is

Sandi said...

Sent it!

Sandi said...

It bounced back as undeliverable. I'll post it here if that is ok.

Brenda said...

Yes, that is fine. I sent two messages on my email, will have to find out what the problem is.

Sandi said...

"...Fabiola, the daughter of a rich Roman General who had given up all her earthly pleasures, and devoted herself, once becoming a Christian, to Christian charity work."

Thanks for the explanation, Brenda. Wow! That is incredible. Her story has a Good ending, like ours. I am not going to post what you wrote to my blog because I don't want to even talk about the board you mentioned. I understand why you did not like it and never went near it again. I had a similar reaction and wish I had never gone near one. They only mean to kill, steal, and destroy. God bless you and thanks again for the fantastic history lesson on Fabiola. It is comforting to me that God didn't just start working here in our modern age. Silly to say, I know, but it is good to be reminded. 💙

Brenda said...

Hi Sandi,
understand why you did not put my story of Fabiola on your blog, I wouldn't have either, but I loved the story of her, and felt that all of us must reach out to all people with the gospel of Jesus, and kindness to others. Although I had not come to the Lord at that time, it was a story that showed me that to love God and love one another was far more important than riches, and it was part of the process of bringing me to our beautiful Saviour to become part of His body on earth. God bless.

Sandi said...

"it was a story that showed me that to love God and love one another was far more important than riches"


"and it was part of the process of bringing me to our beautiful Saviour to become part of His body on earth. God bless."

💙💙 God bless you too, Brenda!

Johnny oneil said...

Hola a todo el público, quiero compartir aquí mi experiencia con un gran hechizo llamado Dr. OKOSODO, usó su poder para traer de vuelta a mi ex novia, han pasado más the 6 meses desde que la niña me dejó otro Nu hombre, Yotro I can do a lot more than you can see on a phone you can't see, like you can see, what can be done by another example of a day that you can follow. Reply to my cell phone, estaba inquieto porque ya no sabía qué hacer, pero por suerte me alegré cuando finalmente vi el testimonio de cómo este hechizo devolvía many as conexiones entre sí, así que me su comuniqué com

It's a good time to show me what I want, a moment where I can live a life and enjoy 24 hours, later I can start making the day, thanks to. used a lot. mucho Sr. dr. OKOSODO, o visit at correo electrónico

Sateigdra knowles said...

Very encouraging Brenda

Brenda said...

Thank you Sateigdra, our Lord is so precious isn't He. God bless you.

Susan said...

Brenda I was reading through the Psalms and in psalms 25-28 I “see” the Lord saying to seek His face and David saying to the Lord “do not hide your face from me” …as we grow closer to Jesus we get to understanding Him on a personal level. Our physical eyes cannot see Him yet but we see Him through what He says and through what He has done both in the gospels and in our own lives. His fingerprints are visible to our understanding. I love what you said about the prisoners. Both prisoners are guilty but the Lord touched the one on his heart to fully feel sorry for what he did. We are all guilty before God, to greater and lesser degrees, but none of us deserve to go to paradise. Thankfully His mercy and grace made the way possible ❤️🙏

Brenda said...

Hi Susan, just came up to check on the blogs. You are absolutely right about God's mercy and grace, none of us deserve to go to paradise. My friend and I loved our time of prison visiting. It went on for 18 months, and we were allowed to take my guitar in and sing our songs if they wanted us to. I don't know if I have shared any of this with you, but even the chaplain came out into the streets of Cardiff to hand out leaflets with us. Everything, both poems and songs, was given to us by God to take to whoever He led us to. God bless. ( I like your heart and prayer pics, I don't know how to add those kind of pics to my blog.) - not brilliant on technology :-)

Susan said...

Brenda, every good gift comes from above, eh? I mean about singing and creative leaflets etc, I don’t have a very good singing voice, I sound best when my voice is drowned out by a choir lol 😂.. my pics are part of my tablet’s keyboard, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to do that either. Hope your day is especially blessed, and thank you for commenting on my blog 🥰

Brenda said...

Hi Susan,
your blogs are lovely, and they are what God has given you to share. The main thing with blogs are that they are testimonies of who we are, what we think, and what we do. I am not a great photographer but I love looking at the pics of those who are, and communicating with people where time and distance do not matter - as it is on blogs. God bless.