In this post I just feel to share some poems that I have written on my walk with the Lord. I hope they would encourage those believers who read them to continue to trust in the true light of the world, Jesus, in all circumstances.

I see the sun
arising on this world of confusion, its rays reaching out to penetrate even the deepest forests and the darkest caves. It seeks to take away the cold and the darkness that the night has caused, and to replace them with warmth and light.
I see rays
that are of such power that the very earth itself seems to rise up to meet them, as if it has been waiting for this dawning, eager to thrust off the terror of the night which once seemed to have no end.
I see Jesus
'For thou art my lamp O Lord: and the Lord will lighten my darkness.' 2 Samuel ch.22 v.29
To be just like Jesus
'Oh for an easy life' they say
'where nothing ever goes wrong'
that's what the world cries out for
but Lord it's not my song
For how would I ever learn patience
without tribulation and trial
and how could I ever endure hard times
yet still be able to smile?
But I say 'Oh to be just like Jesus
to be like the One raised from the dead'
So I'll glory in my afflictions
while the power of God rests on my head
The place where our sun does both rise and set
seems forever out of reach ....and yet
if we walk a straight road at a steady pace
will we not reach one day that unreachable place?
For as far as our own eye is able to see
is the only horizon where we need to be
But when we reach that great line where we'd seen the sun
behold .... as we look there's another one
and the goal that we sought on life's tangled track
is now far behind and we mustn't look back
For we travel life's road making many mistakes
but if we learn from them all then it's worth the heartaches
and if we learn from our journey and have faith in God
not treading again where we've already trod
there's a final horizon awaits you and me
with the most beautiful sunset we ever will see
So what is God telling me through this I ask
is it that in our lives there is always the task
of looking ahead to what we can achieve
and not looking back to what's caused us to grieve?
For each goal that we set if it's good in God's eyes
will always be blessed if one only tries
But even in times when we walk the wrong track
and a load that's too heavy is strapped to our back
our Lord will correct us and turn us away
from the path on our journey that leads us astray
So do not be anxious or filled with dismay
at what may be round every bend
We've a Father that loves us, who'll show us the way
with a Son who's a trustworthy friend
Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal. Isaiah ch.26 v.4