1 Corinthian ch. 2 vs. 11 and 12 read:-
'For who among men knows the thoughts of man except his own spirit within him? So too, no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. We have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit Who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us.'
The following is something which I felt to write many years ago. They were words that just dropped into my head as if it was a voice speaking to me after I became born again of God's Spirit. Whether it will speak to anyone else I do not know, but I feel to share it on this post, although I may have already shared it on my blog some time previously.
Do not be tainted by a love that is not God's. Don't let innocence be spoiled by a wisdom that is earthly. Always remain as a child in your own wisdom so that the greatness of God's words can be allowed to enter into the ears of your heart, so that you may grow up into Him and remember no more the foolishness of this present world. For there is a part of you which can not understand His Words and it would seek to rob you of His truth. It is the mind of your first father, Adam, a fleshly mind. The Lord speaks and your heart receives, but your mind tries to intervene and to reason with logic. Oppose that which is at enmity with God and receive into your heart only that which is pleasing to Him, His Words, which are Spirit and life.
Lord may we learn from creation
may we look to the vast blue sea
to the mountains, the fields and the valleys
to know how we ought to be
May we look to the gentle dolphin
as he tries to befriend mankind
and follow this creature's example
leaving killing and hatred behind
May we look to the towering mountains
holding fast against tempest and rain
as we struggle with sorrow and tragedy
finding strength amidst suffering and pain
As we look to the fields and the harvest
all golden and bursting with grain
may we learn how to share with each other
may our giving replace all our gain
Then, as in the river's reflection
of the blue of the Heavens above
so too we will mirror the image
of God's totally unselfish love
These are another two poems that I have written at two separate times during my on going walk with the Lord.
The first is one that I wrote at a very early stage when I was being fed the 'milk' of the Word, it is called 'Messiah':-
I watch in anguish every day
as killing, torture, hatred reign
in horror turn my eyes away,
hoping somehow to reduce the pain
I cry, despair and sorrow gripping me
Then Jesus comes, saying 'Child - I see'
and the burden is removed from me
I stumble blindly down life's road
through shifting sand and mists of sin
bent low by fortune's heavy load
deep loneliness and fear within
I scream, held tightly by frustration's hand
Then Jesus comes, saying 'Child - I understand'
and shows to me a promised land
I reach towards this man of love
this gentle lifter of my head
empowered by Spirit from above
to wake from sleep the living dead
I breathe, as new life stirs within my soul
Then Jesus comes, saying 'Child - I make you whole'
and give you back what Satan stole'
I listen - now familiar sound
a still small voice dispels the gloom
my step a dance upon the ground
as I arise from earthen tomb
I praise - my song 'Emmanuel'
the Christ has come saying 'All is well
for I have conquered death and Hell'
The second poem I would like to share in this post is one that I wrote regarding Jesus' sacrifice. I called it 'Forever grateful Father'
Forever grateful Father that You gave Your precious Son
Who, knowing His awesome destiny said
'Not my will, but Your will be done'
Yet it pleased You to bruise Him Father
so that I might have peace and be healed
for through this one act of sacrifice
was Your gift of salvation revealed
Forever remembering Jesus
that You hung upon that tree
taking the pain and punishment
that was meant for a sinner like me
Yet You chose not to open Your mouth Lord
and call on the Heavenly host
to come to Your aid on that lonely day
No.... You suffered and gave up the ghost
Forever Yours Holy Spirit
while You teach me and make all things clear
chastising me when I go astray
and wiping away each tear
Oh Father I love and respect You
and Jesus I want to obey
So guide me great Spirit and keep me
'Til my Lord returns for me one day
Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift
2 Corinthians ch. 8 v.15
Lord may we learn from creation
may we look to the vast blue sea
to the mountains, the fields and the valleys
to know how we ought to be
May we look to the gentle dolphin
as he tries to befriend mankind
and follow this creature's example
leaving killing and hatred behind
May we look to the towering mountains
holding fast against tempest and rain
as we struggle with sorrow and tragedy
finding strength amidst suffering and pain
As we look to the fields and the harvest
all golden and bursting with grain
may we learn how to share with each other
may our giving replace all our gain
Then, as in the river's reflection
of the blue of the Heavens above
so too we will mirror the image
of God's totally unselfish love
These are another two poems that I have written at two separate times during my on going walk with the Lord.
The first is one that I wrote at a very early stage when I was being fed the 'milk' of the Word, it is called 'Messiah':-
I watch in anguish every day
as killing, torture, hatred reign
in horror turn my eyes away,
hoping somehow to reduce the pain
I cry, despair and sorrow gripping me
Then Jesus comes, saying 'Child - I see'
and the burden is removed from me
I stumble blindly down life's road
through shifting sand and mists of sin
bent low by fortune's heavy load
deep loneliness and fear within
I scream, held tightly by frustration's hand
Then Jesus comes, saying 'Child - I understand'
and shows to me a promised land
I reach towards this man of love
this gentle lifter of my head
empowered by Spirit from above
to wake from sleep the living dead
I breathe, as new life stirs within my soul
Then Jesus comes, saying 'Child - I make you whole'
and give you back what Satan stole'
I listen - now familiar sound
a still small voice dispels the gloom
my step a dance upon the ground
as I arise from earthen tomb
I praise - my song 'Emmanuel'
the Christ has come saying 'All is well
for I have conquered death and Hell'
The second poem I would like to share in this post is one that I wrote regarding Jesus' sacrifice. I called it 'Forever grateful Father'
Forever grateful Father that You gave Your precious Son
Who, knowing His awesome destiny said
'Not my will, but Your will be done'
Yet it pleased You to bruise Him Father
so that I might have peace and be healed
for through this one act of sacrifice
was Your gift of salvation revealed
Forever remembering Jesus
that You hung upon that tree
taking the pain and punishment
that was meant for a sinner like me
Yet You chose not to open Your mouth Lord
and call on the Heavenly host
to come to Your aid on that lonely day
No.... You suffered and gave up the ghost
Forever Yours Holy Spirit
while You teach me and make all things clear
chastising me when I go astray
and wiping away each tear
Oh Father I love and respect You
and Jesus I want to obey
So guide me great Spirit and keep me
'Til my Lord returns for me one day
Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift
2 Corinthians ch. 8 v.15