Someone once said to me 'How can God allow horrible people, that have committed atrocities against others, to walk around the streets, and yet good people die before they are very old?'
Earlier she had said that she still loved a man who had previously left her and their son for another woman, and still lived in hope that he would return to her one day. This reminded me of the parable of the prodigal son in the Bible, and how the Lord used this story to show how much God loves all of mankind and wants that they should return to Him. The spiritual enemy is rife in the world, and it is even prophesied in 1 Timothy ch. 4 v.1 that many shall fall away from the faith in the end times.
Often people will blame God for many things that man is responsible for doing because they do not see the whole picture and realise how much God wants that we should all come to know Him and learn His ways, which can only be brought about through being born again of His Holy Spirit. This is why it is so important that we should, as Christians, share the gospel of Christ with humility and not with any kind of judgement, which would have the ability to turn those Who God is calling to Him away from Him. Some time ago I wrote a poem about this. It is called 'Why Lord?'
Why Lord?
Why Lord?
Why do people hate You Lord
and blaspheme Your precious name
why for all man's evil deeds
do You always get the blame
Can't they see Your goodness
are they all so blind
don't they see that all Your works
are merciful and kind
or is it that Your children
we who see Your good
are not presenting You Lord
as we really should
Have we made our own rules
for people in distress
Instead of showing Jesus
do we just oppress
Are we thinking we are clean
through something we have done
do we stand in judgement
condemning everyone
What do they see stood in front of them
do they see You Lord or me
do they look on a humble child of God
or a self righteous Pharisee
Father forgive us our stubbornness
our refusal to bend to Your will
Oh teach us to go when You say 'Move on'
but to wait when You say 'Be still'
Forgive us for our stiff necks Lord
for our vain and foolish pride
bring us to preach to the world Lord
only Jesus Christ crucified
As oracles of God we are
like Jesus to behave
Who came not to condemn the world
but for the world to save
So Lord forgive me if I've failed to set the captives free
if I have become to You a fruitless fig tree
Don't let me see the cruelty of the possessor
let me see the plight of the possessed
don't let Your love inside me turn to hate
because I see the oppressor instead of the oppressed
Unstop the ears of this messenger Lord
open the eyes of this servant of Yours
then will I hear the cry of the prisoners
and You'll show me the way to open locked doors
Then they'll see You when they look at me
they'll just see mercy and grace
seeing the Lord of eternity upon this earthly face
What I really love about the Bible is that it becomes a book of instruction on how to live a peaceful life on earth. Jesus says in John ch. 16 v.33 that in Him we have peace. The more we read, the more correction, advice and Spiritual growth we have access to, and the more God's thoughts and ways become our thoughts and ways.
and blaspheme Your precious name
why for all man's evil deeds
do You always get the blame
Can't they see Your goodness
are they all so blind
don't they see that all Your works
are merciful and kind
or is it that Your children
we who see Your good
are not presenting You Lord
as we really should
Have we made our own rules
for people in distress
Instead of showing Jesus
do we just oppress
Are we thinking we are clean
through something we have done
do we stand in judgement
condemning everyone
What do they see stood in front of them
do they see You Lord or me
do they look on a humble child of God
or a self righteous Pharisee
Father forgive us our stubbornness
our refusal to bend to Your will
Oh teach us to go when You say 'Move on'
but to wait when You say 'Be still'
Forgive us for our stiff necks Lord
for our vain and foolish pride
bring us to preach to the world Lord
only Jesus Christ crucified
As oracles of God we are
like Jesus to behave
Who came not to condemn the world
but for the world to save
So Lord forgive me if I've failed to set the captives free
if I have become to You a fruitless fig tree
Don't let me see the cruelty of the possessor
let me see the plight of the possessed
don't let Your love inside me turn to hate
because I see the oppressor instead of the oppressed
Unstop the ears of this messenger Lord
open the eyes of this servant of Yours
then will I hear the cry of the prisoners
and You'll show me the way to open locked doors
Then they'll see You when they look at me
they'll just see mercy and grace
seeing the Lord of eternity upon this earthly face
What I really love about the Bible is that it becomes a book of instruction on how to live a peaceful life on earth. Jesus says in John ch. 16 v.33 that in Him we have peace. The more we read, the more correction, advice and Spiritual growth we have access to, and the more God's thoughts and ways become our thoughts and ways.
Sometimes we have to go through 'sadness', 'badness' and 'madness' before we can see what we have brought ourselves into and then we have to learn from these situations what not to do in our lives. The only way we can change is to bring the Word and teaching of God into our lives, and allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us in our journey through life on earth. The battle is not about flesh and blood but is spiritual.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians ch. 6 v.12