M Blog List

Friday, 29 October 2021

It is a fool who says there is no God

 Over the past week we have had some of the most beautiful skies show up here, and I took some pictures of them to just show on this post. Even seeing this to me is part of the beauty that God displays in this world, and something which brings me to say 'It is a fool who says there is no God.'

My greatest desire since I have been born again of God's Holy Spirit is to spread the gospel to as many people as I can for the rest of my life. Although my friend and I spent many years evangelising in the streets with the leaflets and songs that the Lord had given us to share, and I love blogging, the reaching out to others who do not know the Lord still remains within my heart. I still have many leaflets, and laminated poems that speak of Jesus that I feel to give to people, but am not sure where this could be done.  When my friend and I were first brought together we always thought that we would have a cafĂ© called 'The Lighthouse' where we would give these leaflets and poems out. This did not happen, and I ended up having a blog called 'Lighthouse vision ', yet I still feel that something is still in the future where the remainder of what has been given me to share amongst those who do not know Jesus will be shared. Please pray for me regarding this.

My friend and I also became prison visitors, something which we enjoyed doing very much, and just as we prayed for those physical prisoners I pray for those who are imprisoned in the spirit  of the enemy, as I once was, that they would be set free from the sins of this world and come to our beautiful Lord. 

I add this little poem for all who have already come to the Lord, and those who are looking towards Him, as we all walk the journey with Him. God bless.