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Tuesday 3 September 2024

A child is returning home

The scriptures say that in the end times many shall fall away from the faith, and that is just what is happening in these times. I believe Jesus  will be returning soon to take up the remnant, and that it is so important that we repent on the things we may have done wrong and turn back to having God's ways and thoughts. The following is a poem I wrote some time ago regarding my thoughts on this.


The Lord looked down from Heaven
and said to His angels one night
'There's an empty house in Jerusalem
that needs to be filled with my light'
My Father says 'Make this house ready
a child is returning home
Go, welcome him into my sanctuary
and tell him no more will he roam
Tell him his Lord has redeemed him
and not for the good deeds he's done
but because the Father has loved him
and he trusted upon His Son'
So come, let us make this house ready
and fill it with goodness tonight
for a child that was lost has come home again
to be blessed by the Father of Light