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Thursday, 30 January 2025

Treasure house

 This is a poem that I wrote some time ago.

Is your life a rat race
are you working just to live
Do you find that all will take
but no one wants to give
Do you say 'If only
I had a little more
I don't want to be wealthy 
but just not quite so poor'
Well friend I want to tell you
I've trod that pathway too
I tried to brave the storms of life
and skies were rarely blue
But now my life's quite different
I've found someone who cares
God sent the Saviour Jesus
in answer to my prayers
and now why need I worry
whether I'm rich or poor
I've found the greatest treasure house
and Jesus was the door
Inside this house of wonder
is neither want nor greed
and the Lord Who owns the manor
supplies my every need
I'm glad that I've relinquished
the endless path I trod
for while my mind was on this world
I couldn't see my God
But now my eyes are open
my life has turned around
and wisdom and salvation
are the treasures that I've found

Saturday, 25 January 2025

The Lord is......

The Lord is the One we must call upon
when we are down and in despair
for He is the unseen love of God
the One Who is always there
The Lord is the strength that will see us through
when we are weak and alone in the night
for He is the rock we can lean upon
He is our guiding light
the Lord is the healer of our pain
when we are sick and confined to our bed
for He is the great Physician
who can even raise the dead
Yes the Lord is our everything - our all
He's the One Who is ever the same
He's the Son of the Almighty Father
and Jesus is His name

Sunday, 12 January 2025

Love bears all things

 This is a post I put up previously. 

'I haven't had chime'  My mouth was saying 'chime', a mix of the two words ' chance' and 'time' because there were two words in my mind. (The mind was responding to two instructions, causing confusion). Regarding healing, or walking in the way of the Lord, if the natural mind is saying what the world has taught it and the mind of Christ (the Spiritual) is saying another, surely the body will respond in the same way as my mouth did. We must be fully convinced in our minds regarding our actions, so therefore it must be the mind of Christ that we have to instruct us, not the natural mind when we are born again of God's Spirit. For the scriptures say that he who is double minded will not receive anything. ( James ch. 1 vs. 7 and 8 ). We can persistently ask God to increase our faith for whatever we ask of Him in Jesus's name until we get a positive response.

Jesus ( the Word of God ) is always the same, Yesterday, today and forever. He never moves from one mind to another, but we can. He speaks to many kinds of people - His disciples, the Pharisees, and the outsiders. He regards no man in the flesh, He is Spirit, as is God, and we must worship Him in Spirit and in truth. He regards us how we are and who we are Spiritually when we are born again of His Spirit.  We can be anyone and likened to anyone written about in the Bible Spiritually. Just as John the Baptist went in the Spirit of Elijah ( His mission was the same as Elijah's, warning the people that they were disobedient to God ), so we too can, and will, live our lives according to the Spirit that is in us.  

After a flower has been picked, if it is kept and pressed in a book it will keep it's colour. This reminds me of when we are born again, being kept by the Word of God and the pressure of that Word giving us eternal life, even though we have been cut off from our worldly source of life.

 These are some flowers  and leaves that I dried in a book to add to the very relevant scripture in the picture.

Saturday, 4 January 2025


The place where our sun does both rise and set
seems forever out of reach ...... and yet
if we walk a straight road at a steady pace
will we not reach one day that unreachable place ?
For as far as our own eye is able to see
is the only horizon where we need to be
But when we reach that great line where we see the sun
behold as we look - there's another one
and the goal that we sought on life's tangled track
is now far behind, and we must not look back
For we travel life's road making many mistakes
but if we learn from them all, then it's worth the heartaches
and if we learn from our journey and have faith in God
not treading again where we've already trod
there's a final horizon awaits you and me
with the most beautiful sunset we ever will see