When I first came to the Lord poems and songs just dropped into my mind, some of them were almost like questions that I believe the Lord could have been asking me. I always thought that I had a fair amount of love for people, and did have to a certain degree. The problem was that it was 'human love', which is conditional.
The following is one of those poems that revealed to me many things that my 'love' was lacking when compared to the love that is required by Jesus in John ch. 13 v. 34:-
' A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.'
So you think you have love son of Adam
you think that you're gentle and kind
'til your wife leaves you for another
and the hate drives you out of your mind
And you think that you're patient - long suffering
.... you can tolerate everyone
'til a tramp who is filthy comes near you
and you feel like you want to run
Can you say that you're really forgiving
that you're filled with mercy and grace
can you truly say there is no evil thought
behind your smiling face?
So you think you have love son of Adam
you think that you've been set free
Then brother I've one thing to ask you
.... Would you die for me?
When I examined myself against the words of this poem I could see that there was a vast difference between what I thought was 'love' and what 'love' is according to God. The Lord does not ask us to physically die as He did, but we have to spiritually 'die' to our carnal self, 'For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.' Romans ch. 8 v. 6.
So what is love? 1 Corinthians 13 vs. 4 - 7 gives this interpretation of love:-
'Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud 5 or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. 6 It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. 7 Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.'
I realized I fell very short of this kind of love in most areas. Regarding 'patience', I believed that I could tolerate much. However, when I looked up the word 'patience' in the dictionary and saw the meaning as 'the ability to endure with calmness', I realized that many of the things that I could endure were done not with 'calmness', but with gritted teeth.
I asked the Lord to help me in this area and within a very short time I had a job working as a carer in a residential home for the elderly. I could not have been in a better place to learn patience.
We have to have our minds renewed in Christ:- 'that, in reference to your former manner of life, you lay aside the old self, which is being corrupted in accordance with the lusts of deceit, and that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth.…Ephesians ch. 4 vs. 22 - 24, learning line upon line, precept upon precept, as we are taught by the Holy Spirit.
Jesus says 'If you love Me, keep my commands.' That is not the ten commandments of the law, because there is not one person on earth who could gain 'righteousness' through the keeping of the old testament law. We would fail miserably through spiritual weakness, and we need the Holy Spirit to help us, as Jesus states in John ch. 16 v. 8:- 'And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:'.
Jesus is the Word of God, and keeping Jesus' commands is to ' be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.' James ch. 1 v. 22 , and this can only come about through having our minds renewed in Christ. ' Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.' Romans ch. 12 v. 2 .
Jesus is the Word of God, and keeping Jesus' commands is to ' be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.' James ch. 1 v. 22 , and this can only come about through having our minds renewed in Christ. ' Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.' Romans ch. 12 v. 2 .
Sometimes we may find it hard to love one another, depending on what we each focus on, and look for, in our brothers and sisters. However, the Lord has made us all different for a reason, and those differences should not divide, they should unite. God made the cactus, a very prickly plant. Yet it can supply water to a person who finds himself in a desert.
I have always loved blackberries, and when I was a child I was brought up on the edge of a town. One of my favourite pastimes was to go into the countryside and pick them. My husband loves blackberries too, but hates the bramble, as demonstrated a few days ago when bushes from a field behind our bungalow were intruding over the back garden wall.
There were brambles amongst the bushes, and they were beginning to flower. I had to stay out there and watch him constantly as he trimmed the bushes, to make sure he did not cut the brambles too. Without the fruit, he saw them only as a prickly plant.
Many people might think of the bramble from the thorny point of view, forgetting that it bears a beautiful fruit, and sometimes we can see a brother or sister in the Lord in a similar way, but it may be that they have a certain type of personality to be used by the Lord in a particular way to reach similar people. We are all different, yet joined as one in the Lord.
Through plants like the rose and the bramble I am taught not to judge by what I see, for according to when I look I only see a small part of the picture of what they fully are, God sees the whole picture.
The Bramble
and saw that it was good
'though man will often judge between
the silver and the wood
To be counted as nothing or great in man's book
matters not in our Father's esteem
for He's made every creature with purpose in mind
regardless of how it might seem
And whether mighty or humble -rich or poor
our God desires nothing should waste
for even the bramble bears a beautiful rose
and a fruit that is good to the taste
Hello sweet Brenda! It was suc a delight to read your comment on my blog today....how have you been? I hope you are doing well and enjoying the beautiful spring. It's hard to believe summer is just around the corner!
Your post was such a blessing to read. I, too, am still learning how to love like God has asked me. It's something I must daily put into action. I appreciated your words, dear friend.
Thinking of you! Hugs!
Hello Stephanie,
how lovely to hear from you. It was lovely to come over to your blog, it was a pleasure to read. I have been really busy lately, the older I get the more busy I seem to get. Yes, I love the Spring, I have been planting little plants, still have more to put into the soil. You are right, the time goes by so quickly. We have had quite a bit of rain lately, but I love the greenery it brings to the land.
God bless
Dear Brenda,
What a convicting and true poem the Spirit gave you! All of us, even the unsaved, are capable of phileo, or brotherly love of those close to us based on how the relationship benefits us. But only Christ shows pure agape, or self-sacrificing love expecting nothing in return. Thankfully, when we yield to the Holy Spirit, our love becomes more like that of His example, but it continues to be a daily battle between what the Spirit wants and what our flesh demands.
Thank you for the beautiful post and for your lovely comment on my blog.
God bless you,
Hi Laurie,
I have had many poems that I feel have spoken into my life, and have brought me to examine myself. The lovely thing is that when we come to God through Jesus we see the love that God has for us, and who would not want to learn to have a love like that? Thank you for your lovely words, and with the help of the Holy Spirit we all run the race eh? The One we trust already has the victory.
God bless you Laurie
Thanks for this nice blog! I have learned a bit, while I was reading about the brambles.
Hi Ariella,
thank you for your kind words. I love the way the Lord reveals what changes are needed in me through nature.
God bless
Hi Brenda! I was just reading a passage from Scripture today, from Tobit. You may remember that he became blind for a time, and he heard a goat bleating in the house. He told his wife to take it back where it came from, even as she tried to explain that it was payment for work she had done. When Tobit just got madder and more upset, his wife said 'so where is your love now oh man of God?'.
I know I think I'm so loving sometimes, but when things get bad, it's out the window like Tobit. You make a great point about thinking that we've got it together, but in reality, maybe not!
Loved the photo of the berries on the bramble. It's good to know that even spiny weeds can give forth good fruit!
Hi Ceil,
Yes I have read that too. What I love about the teaching of the Holy Spirit is that after I have been shown something in myself that needs to be changed,( through being shown in the scriptures a character doing the same as I am doing,)I feel free by changing. Sometimes what we call weeds are just 'wild flowers' eh? A bit like I was before I was born again, now I am gradually becoming 'cultivated'.
God bless.
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Hi James,
nice for you to visit, glad you enjoyed reading. I just visited your site, I don't know much about what Netflix is, but I will find out.
This was very encouraging Brenda. Thanks for sharing this with us. Your posts always leaves me with much to think about.
Lovely to hear from you Sateigdra,
I know in my own life that it is only the Holy Spirit who reveals to me how different God's ways are from man's ways, and I know that it is only that Spirit of God that can transform me into having His ways through my mind being renewed in Jesus.
God bless you Sateigdra, I hope you are well.
Amen, Brenda! His love is the perfect example for each of us, and may we follow in His footsteps. May He give us strength, courage and endurance to run the race, knowing that the victory is already His.
May God continue to bless you and your lovely ministry,
Hi Laurie,
He absolutely is the perfect example for each of us, and the beautiful thing is that when we have experienced even a small part of that love, we can only want to become like Him.
May God bless you with your lovely ministry too Laurie.
Brenda, I have translated my last blog ( a bit ) in a cooment below your sweet comment on my blog today. So you can read it in your own language. Sorry for the failing translation-button :-(
Amen, Brenda! His love is so transforming that we want to be more like Him. May His love flow through us to others so that they may love and follow Him too. His love shines through all your writings and blesses all your readers.
Love in Christ,
Hi Laurie,
you are right, His love is so transforming. That is all I want to be - like Him, and I know that I have a fair way to go yet, but thank you for your kind words.
God bless you Laurie, and lots of love in Him.
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