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Wednesday, 27 April 2022

In the beginning

 I would just like to share how I came to the Lord, I don't think I have shared this on my blog before.

My conversion to Christianity had been dramatic. I had been very 'worldly' previous to my conversion, but had also experienced the supernatural presence of God through a healing when I was a child, and a near death experience during my adult life. My father had been a lovely person who often, when we his children had arguments and we would ask 'Dad, dad, who is right?', would often say 'Let's see what the Lord says', and would find a verse in his Bible that would always settle the argument and bring peace amongst us. He was quite a bit older than my mother, and died when I was eleven years of age. I was actually in the room at his passing. It left a great void in my life  

 'Father, where are you?' said the child in despair 
 'Father where are you?' she cried
 but in the darkened room there was nobody there
 for the father she loved had just died

Many years later, I became a Christian and was baptized in water and the baptism of the Holy Spirit followed, with the gift of speaking in tongues enabling me to pray according to the will of God.

'Father, where are You?' said the 'child' once again
'Father where are You?' she cried
but this time it was not as it had been then
for now God was the 'Father' on Whom she relied

It is difficult to say exactly where my testimony begins as, looking back in my life, I remember things that happened over the years which demonstrated God's power and love even when I did not know Him.  My natural father kept a Bible in the house and although I do not remember him attending churches, I do remember him taking me with him to other Christians' house meetings. My memories of him before his death when I was eleven years old are of a kind and gentle man who looked to God's word for guidance, and who seemed to be a doer of God's word and not just a hearer of it. We lived on the edge of a town close to a dockyard, and many mornings when I was a small child I would come down for breakfast to find my father giving a cup of tea and some food to a stranger who had come to the door, or filling a flask with tea for a caller.  I did not know who they were and accepted it as normal then.  My sister later told me they were 'tramps' who had come to know of my father's kindness.  
Once when I had been sent home from school sick, I was laying on the sofa with severe pain in my stomach.  I remember my father sitting beside me and praying.  As he spoke, everything in the room appeared to turn blue and a warm, almost anaesthetic feeling replaced the pain and I was made well.  I have told many people about this incident but it is only since I have discovered from the Bible that healing is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit given to those that believe on Jesus, that I have fully understood why the pain went as a result of my father's prayer.
As a child I had always been fascinated by this person Jesus Who, as I read in Bible stories, 'went about doing good'.  I remember crying myself to sleep after reading a story about Him.  I still carry a picture in my mind from that children's book of Jesus standing with His hands outstretched to children, with doves perched on Him arms and shoulders.  I could not understand in my child's mind how anyone could kill such a kind and loving person.  The memory of this picture now makes me think of how God stretches out His hands to the world and offers Jesus.

arising on this world of confusion, it's rays reaching out to penetrate even the deepest forests and the darkest caves.  It seeks to take away the cold and the darkness that the night has caused, and to replace them with warmth and light.

that are of such power that the very earth itself seems to rise up to meet them, as if it has been waiting for the dawning, eager to thrust off the terror of the night , which once seemed to have no end.

'For Thou art my lamp O Lord' - and the Lord will lighten my darkness

If anyone who is in a bad, or sad, position is reading this post who has not come to Christ - I recommend that they call on His name.

Jesus is the Light. In John ch. 8 v.12 Jesus says 'I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.'

Saturday, 9 April 2022

Forever Grateful

Forever grateful Father 
that You gave Your precious Son
Who, knowing His awesome destiny said
'Not my will - but Your will be done'
Yet it pleased You to bruise Him Father
so that I might have peace and be healed
for through this one act of sacrifice
was Your gift of salvation revealed

Forever remembering Jesus
that You hung upon that tree
taking the pain and punishment
that was meant for a sinner like me
Yet You chose not to open Your mouth Lord
and call on the Heavenly host
to come to Your aid on that lonely day
No...You suffered and gave up the ghost

Forever Yours Holy Spirit
while You teach me and make all things clear
chastising me when I go astray
and wiping away each tear
Oh Father, I love and respect You
and Jesus - I want to obey
So guide me great Spirit and keep me
'til my Lord returns for me one day

'Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift'
2 Corinthians ch.8 v.15