M Blog List

Thursday 16 May 2024

Touching Your hand

Touching Your hand I feel a power in me
walking Your way leads me into my destiny
all that I am is what You're making me
Your grace in my life is setting me free

You are my strength, death has no power in me
the battle is won, You are my song of victory
Where there's no fear there is no enemy
Your love in my heart is setting me free

For You are the Father's precious breath of life to me
my soul feels Your love that stirs within me
With You in my life I can be all I am meant to be
each day as you teach me Your ways

Now is the time - in You must my spirit dwell
time to break free from my shadowy prison cell
Now is the time, time for my soul to rise
time to awake and open my eyes

Kissed by Your mercy, bathed in Your tenderness
now I awake to the touch of Your sweet caress
Fear lies behind me lost in the cold of night
sweet love lies ahead in the warmth of Your light

For You are the Son that melts this cold heart of mine
and You are the lamp that lights my darkness
My prayer to You Lord is that within my life You will shine
each day as You lead my along


Sandi said...

"Where there's no fear there is no enemy"

Powerful words.

A beautiful poem, Brenda. He leads us and we learn as we go. Amazing, isn't it? I am still learning.

Brenda said...

Hi Sandi, join the ' learning ' club. Thank you for your kind comment. The more we learn from the Lord the stronger we become in Him. God bless.

Sandi said...

What is the learning club? Where do I find it? How do I join?

Brenda said...

It's just a saying that means I know where you are coming from as I am going through the same things in my life.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Such a beautiful testimony to Jesus love in our lives and how He changes all for the better.

Brenda said...

Hi Martha Jane, thankyou for your kind comment. Amen to what you have said regarding Jesus' love in our lives. He definitely changes everything for the better. God bless you for visiting.

Ирина Полещенко said...

Thank you, Brenda! "You will shine
each day as You lead me along"!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Powerful poem.

God bless.

Brenda said...

Aww thank you Irena for your lovely comment. It is always nice to hear from you. God bless.

Brenda said...

Hi Victor, thank you for your very kind comment.There is a special power in our lovely Lord Jesus that brings life into what was once dead. God bless you.

Brenda said...

Thank you Victor, just been over to your blog. I love what you write, it always makes me laugh.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Many thanx Brenda. I find humourous articles draw new readers who hopefully venture to read the Christian articles too.

Tomorrow I'll post a serious article but in a humourous way.

God bless always.

Laurie Collett said...

Wonderful, Brenda! I love the image of fear behind me and love ahead.

May God continue to bless you and your lovely ministry.


Fundy Blue said...

You write such inspiring poetry, Brenda!

Brenda said...

Hi Laurie, thank you for your kind comment. I believe it was Joel Osteen who said that fear stands for 'False Evidence Appearing Real', and that is so true when we are in the Lord. God bless you Laurie.

Brenda said...

Thank you Louise for your kind comment regarding my poetry. I only started writing songs and poetry after my near death experience when I was twenty eight. All glory to God and His Son Jesus. God bless.

Frank E. Blasi said...

Dear Brenda,
Your poem reminds me of Isaiah 42:3:
"A bruised reed he shall not break, neither will he quench a smouldering flax, but will bring swift justice."
And 1 Peter 5:7:
"Cast all your cares on the Lord, for he cares for you."
Being aware of God's love for us is vital for both good and bad times.
Blessings to you and your family.

Brenda said...

Hi Frank. You are so right about being aware of God's love for us being vital in all times
His love is unconditional, May God bless you and Alex with all He has for us in Jesus.

Laurie Collett said...

Amen, Brenda! In Christ, no weapon formed against us can prosper, so we have no reason to fear. God bless you,

Brenda said...

Hi Laurie, absolutely no reason to fear. The Lord is our protector against the enemy. God bless.