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Sunday 21 July 2024

An enemy stood at my door

 Our journey in the Lord is ongoing, and some time ago I felt led to write a poem that reflected my times of going through trials and changing from what the spiritual enemy encouraged me to do to what the Lord was bringing me to do. The enemy does not like it when we turn against him and his sinful ways in order that we might learn God's ways, but the more we act upon what the Lord speaks to us through the teaching of the Holy Spirit the more we can remove sin from our lives. The poem is called

An enemy stood at my door

An enemy stood at my door - I recognized this foe
his tap was soft at first and he was calling out my name
He’d tried to rob mankind of truth a long, long time ago
and now he’d come to me to do the same
His knock grew louder with each strike - his voice began to rise
my heart was wildly beating and my mind was filled with fear
With curses pouring from his mouth he rent the air with lies
I froze at what I could not fail to hear
Within the door I looked around and sought a place to hide
a sanctuary of safety from the taunting and the jeers
The enemy like thunder now began to rage outside
with trembling hands I tried to block my ears
Then suddenly within the room a warrior appeared
His form was bathed in light and He was brandishing a sword
The power and the fury of the enemy I feared
diminished as I recognized my Lord
‘Don’t be afraid child’ Jesus said ‘at all that you have heard
this foe will turn to ashes and his power fall as dust
Take refuge in my presence as I speak God’s Holy word
your peace will then return because you trust
The words that I shall speak to you are Spirit and are life
they bring into existence that which does not yet appear
and have a power of their own to banish all the strife
that’s coming from this enemy you fear’
I looked into my Saviour’s eyes and knew His words were true
that God had sent Him to my aid this enemy to fight
He said ‘ My child just stay within the light surrounding you
your foe dwells in the darkness of the night ’
and he will come to carnal mind to try to steal the seed
that I have planted in you as you seek me every day
Hold fast to all I’ve told you - to his threatening pay no heed
when dawn arrives the darkness must give way

The more we take every thought captive and bring it into obedience to the Word of God the more we grow in the Lord as a child of God, not letting the devil win. 


Martha Jane Orlando said...

Absolutely beautiful, Brenda! May the light of Jesus shine so brightly in us that the evil one can't help but flee. May the goodness of the Lord be with each of us always.

Laurie Collett said...

Hi Brenda,

So powerful! He Who is in me is greater than he who is in the world. we have the victory through Jesus. God bless you Brenda.

Ирина Полещенко said...

Thank you, dear Brenda! May our Lord save you and bless you!

Brenda said...

Hi Martha Jane, thank you for your very kind comment, I agree with what you have said regarding the evil one. I have loved our beautiful Saviour Jesus ever since He came into my life. The enemy might have a voice but it is the complete opposite of what I want to hear, and I am sure what you, and all believers want to hear. God bless you with all God has for us in Jesus.

Brenda said...

Hi Laurie, I agree with all you have said regarding our Saviour Jesus. He Who is in me, and in all believers, is indeed greater that he who is in the world. God bless you as you share the gospel of Christ in your lovely blog.

Brenda said...

Hi Irina, may our Lord save you and bless you too.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Thank you so much, Brenda.

God bless always, my friend.

Brenda said...

You are very welcome Victor. God bless you too.