M Blog List

Thursday, 30 January 2025

Treasure house

 This is a poem that I wrote some time ago.

Is your life a rat race
are you working just to live
Do you find that all will take
but no one wants to give
Do you say 'If only
I had a little more
I don't want to be wealthy 
but just not quite so poor'
Well friend I want to tell you
I've trod that pathway too
I tried to brave the storms of life
and skies were rarely blue
But now my life's quite different
I've found someone who cares
God sent the Saviour Jesus
in answer to my prayers
and now why need I worry
whether I'm rich or poor
I've found the greatest treasure house
and Jesus was the door
Inside this house of wonder
is neither want nor greed
and the Lord Who owns the manor
supplies my every need
I'm glad that I've relinquished
the endless path I trod
for while my mind was on this world
I couldn't see my God
But now my eyes are open
my life has turned around
and wisdom and salvation
are the treasures that I've found


Martha Jane Orlando said...

Truer words could not be written, Brenda. Thanks for blessing us all with your poem today!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Love this so much, Brenda. I saved it to my favorites folder and am printing myself out a copy.
Thanks for sharing.

Ирина Полещенко said...

It's really a fascinating poem, dear Brenda!

Brenda said...

Hi Martha Jane, thank you for your very kind comment, all glory to our Father God and our wonderful Saviour Jesus.

Brenda said...

Hi Sandra, thank you for your lovely comment, I hope you have recovered from your accident. God bless you with all God has for us in Jesus.

Brenda said...

Hi Irina, thank you for your kind comment, God bless you.

Saleslady371 said...

"for while my mind was on this world
I couldn't see my God" this line has so much meaning to me. I love this poem. Bless you for blessing us with beautiful words.

Sandi said...

"....while my mind was on this world
I couldn't see my God"

Powerful words.

Fundy Blue said...

So beautiful and meaningful, Brenda!

Brenda said...

Hi Saleslady, thankyou for your kind comment, may God bless you with all He has for us in Jesus.

Brenda said...

Hi Sandi, thank you for your kind comment. God bless you.

Brenda said...

Hi Fundy blue, thank you for your kind comment. May God bless you and yours with all He has for us in Jesus.

Frank E. Blasi said...

Dear Brenda,
That was an excellent poem I enjoyed reading, as it's so true to life before turning to Jesus Christ for salvation.
Blessings to you and your family.

Laurie Collett said...

Hi Brenda, God has truly blessed you with a gift for sharing Bible truth and personal testimony through poetry. And your readers are all blessed that you share this gift with us!

Brenda said...

Hi Frank, thankyou for your very kind comment. I am so glad that I turned from the ways of the spiritual enemy. There is nothing in this world to compare to the beauty of our precious Lord Jesus. God bless you and Alex.

Brenda said...

Hi Laurie, thankyou for your very kind comment. I only started writing poems and songs when I returned from my near death experience, and I know that it was only through the Lord that I was able to do it. All glory to our Father God and His precious Son Jesus. God bless you and Richard.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

We need to slow down and really live rather than exist.

God bless, Brenda. Good poem.

Bill said...

What a beautiful poem, thanks for sharing.

Brenda said...

Hi Victor, you are right, we do need to slow down, and focusing on the Word of God spoken to us is the pathway we need to tread. God bless.

Brenda said...

Hi Bill, thankyou for your very kind comment. It was nice to visit your blog. God bless.


What a beautiful and heartfelt poem! It really captures the transformation from striving for material wealth to finding spiritual peace and fulfillment. The imagery of a "treasure house" where the greatest riches are found in faith and salvation is powerful. It's a reminder of how, when we shift our focus, we can discover a wealth far greater than anything material. Thank you for sharing such a personal and inspiring piece!

Brenda said...

Hi Melody, thankyou for your very kind comment. Yes, there is a far greater wealth in the Lord, and a life that does not end when we put our trust in Him. God bless.

Laurie Collett said...

Hi Brenda, That is amazing, that God began to use you in this way after your NDE. I imagine that glimpsing Heaven must truly give you a unique perspective. May God bless you too!