M Blog List

Monday, 27 April 2015

No other Name under Heaven has authority to save

My friend and myself were in a town where we meet up every week.  A street ranger that we know came over to talk to us, he was with his boss.  As we were chatting, his boss noticed that a young lady had dropped some litter, and went over to see her.  The other man said that he would probably fine her because that was what they did.  I looked at the young lady and felt quite sorry for her, she did not look as if she would have a lot of money, and I think it may have been a cigarette that she had dropped.  ' I would not be able to do your job' I said to him.  I can understand that litter must not be dropped and I would not drop litter myself, but I also understand that our human nature causes us to be weak in areas of discipline and correction.
It brought me to think about what Jesus has done for us and how much greater God's love is for us than mine was for that young lady.  God allowed Jesus' sacrifice not only to pay the price for us to be forgiven of our sins but God enables us through that sacrifice of His Son to be reconciled back to Him, taught His ways by having our minds renewed through the Holy Spirit, and have eternal life. 

With all the turmoil that is going on around the world and now this horrendous earthquake, I feel more than ever that the end times when Jesus returns is close, and  to spread the gospel to those who do not know our Lord as their Saviour.
A poem and a song that I wrote years ago came into my mind recently, and when the incident happened in the street regarding the street rangers, I decided to write this post. 

The poem was written of my sadness for those who do not know the Lord as their Saviour, and the song was a conviction of the need to do what I believe the Lord was calling me to do, and I feel even more passionate about it now as I believe we are very close to the Lord coming back for His church. ( 1Thessalonians ch. 4 vs. 13 - 18.)

How can I keep silent when all around there's fear
how can I not tell the world that Jesus Christ is near
how can I not speak the words that will lift them from the night
from the darkness of their sorrows.... into everlasting light
How can I keep silent when all around there's shame
how can I not point the way to the One who wears God's name
to the One who has the power to remove our robes of sin
as He speaks new words of life that resurrect the soul within
How can I keep silent when all around there's pain
how can I not say 'Don't in this shaded world remain'
How can I not share the love that was freely given me
Lord...I can't walk past the prison doors

....when You've given me the key


A child is dying in the street, it cries aloud for bread
do we give of what we have or watch it 'til it's dead
....or watch it 'til it's dead

A world was dying in it's sin, it did not ask for bread
God could have given punishment, He gave His Son instead
Yes, He gave His Son instead

The harvest now is ready, the fields are white I see
one thing I ask, my Father, a labourer let me be
....a labourer let me be


For what is salt without the savour
what is the church without the word
what use are we amongst the prisoners
if they say 'Lord, we never heard'
if they say 'Lord, we never heard'

The harvest now is ready, the fields are white I see
one thing I ask, my Father, a labourer let me be
....a labourer let me be

Teach us to be humble Lord, while bearing precious seed
to deal our bread from Heaven to those who are in need those who are in need

The harvest now is ready, the fields are white I see
one thing I ask, my Father, a labourer let me be
...a labourer let me be

I write the following words to anyone who reads this who does not know the Lord

No other name under Heaven

No other name under Heaven has authority to save
no other name but Jesus can lift you from the grave
Not another name under Heaven can bring peace in times of strife
there is no other name but Jesus that can give eternal life
So hear .... the Master calls you, the time is very short
turn away now from all wickedness - your freedom has been bought
God heard Jesus plea for us - up from the grave He rose
The door to life is open ....... but soon it's going to close

'For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.'
                                                                                               1 Corinthians ch.15 v.22


Ceil said...

Hi Brenda! These songs/poems are so lovely, and so heartfelt. It reminds me of a song that's entitled "How Can I Keep From Singing?"

We are all God has on this earth, He created us to spread knowledge of Himself. You have always done that, and I know He is so pleased with you. Your faith just shines from this post. Thank you for sharing your fire of love for Him, and His people.

Brenda said...

Hi Ceil,
thank you for your kind words. I do love God, especially when I think what He has saved me from, and I know that you love Him too. At this moment in time I have a real sadness on me, and I think it is because of what is happening in the world. Maybe that is why the small incident in the street brought me to write the post. I know I will be alright when I go out into the street with my friend, as I see more people listening to the gospel.
God bless you Ceil, and keep up the writing of your lovely blog.

S. Knowles said...

Wonderful post Brenda, I will be sharing this post with others and sharing the poem at the end on my facebook page. May God continue to bless you and your husband. :-)

Brenda said...

Hi Sateigdra, thank you for sharing the poem on your facebook page, the more the Lord's salvation is shared the more peace is found by those in turmoil. May God continue to bless you too and spread your genuine love for His Son.

Laurie Collett said...

Dear Brenda,
These poems are truly Spirit-inspired and lifted my heart today, while encouraging me to keep on keeping on. I agree with you, and pray that we are correct, that the Lord surely will be returning for His children very soon. May we not grow weary of well-doing, for we shall reap a bountiful harvest if we continue to sow while there is still time.
May God continue to bless you and your ministry,

Brenda said...

Hi Laurie,
I know that you feel the same way as I do regarding sharing what the Lord has given us to share, and I feel you are a very kind hearted person, and I love the way that you encourage your brothers and sisters (including me). I also know that your ministry is to those who do not know Jesus too, and know that it is impossible to know the Lord and not want others to know Him too.
God bless you and your ministry too Laurie. May we plant and water and may God add the increase.

Laurie Collett said...

Hi Brenda,
Your very kind and uplifting words encourage me greatly, dear sister in Christ! Praise God that in the End Times, He has allowed His children to encourage one another even if physically separated by the Internet and other technology, and to use these technologies to reach those who do not yet know Him.
I share your prayer -- may we plant and water and may God bring the increase!
God bless you and your ministry,

Brenda said...

Hi Laurie,
Thank you for your kind words, I love the way that all glory goes to the Lord for what we are brought to do. He has really emphasized to me lately that 'love' is the battery that charges His body on earth, and the plumb line that we measure that love by is 1 Corinthians ch. 13.
May God bless you, my sister in Christ, and join us all as One in His body as we endeavour to reflect that love to one another, and to those who do not know Him. Praise His lovely Name.

Aritha said...

Thanks for this beautifully written message!Poems are so nice.

Brenda said...

Hi Ariella,
thank you for your kind comment, lovely to hear from you.
God bless

David C Brown said...

Glory to His Name that He has done so much for us - he not only charged us, but He paid the fine for us too!

Brenda said...

Amen to what you have said David, Glory to God for our beautiful Saviour Jesus. May the whole world come to know about Him.

Laurie Collett said...

Dear Brenda,
Praise God that He is love, that He showed us perfect love by dying for us on the cross, and that He taught us how to love one another by following His Word. May we always yield to His Holy Spirit Who teaches us how to submit to one another in love.
May God continue to bless you and your inspiring writing,

Brenda said...

Amen to all you have said Laurie.
I believe one of the greatest things about the love that God inspires us to have is not keeping a record of wrongs done to us. That has been a true test for me of whether I am attaining the love that comes from having my mind renewed in Christ. I know that I could not bring that about without the Holy Spirit's convincing and convicting. I love the learning journey I am on and the gradual change that makes me One with God in Jesus.
God bless you and your inspiring writing Laurie.

Laurie Collett said...

So true, Brenda -- in the flesh it is not possible to forgive and forget, but only through the Holy Spirit. Praise God that the death, burial and resurrection of His Son has separated us from our sins as far as the East is from The West, and that when He looks at us, He no longer sees our sins, but only the perfect righteousness of His Son.
May God continue to bless you and your uplifting ministry.

Brenda said...

Hi Laurie,
That is true Laurie, as long as (as it says in v. 11 of that Psalm), we are faithful followers (those who fear Him).
God bless you Laurie, and your ministry.

Brenda said...

I often look on the on line Bible to see the verse for the day. I just looked on it and this was the verse for today:-
'As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on his faithful followers.' Psalm 103 v. 13
How amazing!