M Blog List

Sunday, 10 July 2022


The world is in such a bad state now that I believe we are in the end times, and how important it is for we who are believers in Christ to encourage those who do not know Him to come to Him. I share these poems with the hope that they may do this.

I look around the world and see                              
whole nations in distress
growing camps of refugees                                   
full of hopelessness
I used to think that this was fate
the way we all must die
because the world was full of hate
but this was Satan's lie
The words 'Forgive them Father
for they know not what they do'
came to my ears when I was lost
and you can hear them too
Just turn your eyes to Jesus
Who hung there on that tree
He took the shame and torture
to save both you and me

I wrote the following poem to echo what Jesus has done for all of mankind, and why He came to earth.

My Name is Jesus   
My name is Jesus - I came to earth
to tell mankind of second birth
to tell of grace abounding free
to all who put their trust in me

My name is Jesus, I came to save
to lift the weary from death's grave
to grant forgiveness for their sin
to all who would but let me in

My name is Jesus - I came with love
the kind that comes from God above
a love eternal... tested, tried
for I am the One they crucified

My name is Jesus, I came with power
to save you in this final hour
I bring salvation.... don't refuse
It's life or death - which will you choose.

For God sent the Son into the world, not to condemn the world,
 but that the world might be saved through Him.

                                                            John ch. 8 v. 17


Laurie Collett said...

Amen, Brenda -- surely we are in the last days of these End Times. May we do all we can to spread His Word before it is too late. Thank you for the meaningful poem and for your lovely ministry. God bless you,

Sandi said...

"The words 'Forgive them Father
for they know not what they do'
came to my ears when I was lost
and you can hear them too"

Perfection. You can hear them too. To every one far and near, you can hear them too.

Brenda said...

Hi Laurie,
yes it does appear that many of the prophetic scriptures of the end times can be likened to what is happening in the world these days. The most important thing is that we can reveal to those who do not know the Lord the safety that is within Him when they come to Him. God bless.

Brenda said...

Hi Sandi,
it is wonderful how God has enabled the ability for all to know Him through technology in these end times, and we are able to share the blessings in His Son Jesus through that technology. God bless.

Saleslady371 said...

Your poetry is uplifting and encourages me in these days!

Brenda said...

Hi Saleslady,
thank you for your kind comment, our Lord Jesus is the encouragement all mankind needs in these days. God bless.

Brenda said...

Hi Victor, I notice that I am being notified in my stats that you have commented on this post but for some reason your comments are not showing up. I don't know what a spam folder is.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

When you log in to Blogger ... at the top right of page you have the option to click DESIGN

This will take you to a page with a list on the left margin. Click COMMENTS (third one down)

This will show you all your comments you received. At the very top there's an upside down triangle. Click on that.

You will see the word SPAM and possibly a number. These are the number of comments which the computer has thrown there instead of publishing them on your Blog. Click on each of the comments IN TURN. You can now decide whether to delete them if you don't want them, or to click the tick on the rihgt of each comment and transfer them to appear on your Blog.

God bless.

RCUBEs said...

Very timely poems sister Brenda and thank you for sharing! May these trying times be an opportunity for the lost ones to be found! God bless and stay strong in the Lord's mighty power!

Brenda said...

Hi Rosel,
staying in the security of the Lord and His Word is the most secure place we could be in these trying times, for when we are weak, then He is strong. God bless

Rajani Rehana said...

Super poetry

Brenda said...

Hi Rajani, thank you for your kind comment.

Laurie Collett said...

Hi Brenda,
Amen, for the safety and protection we experience in the arms of Jesus Christ, our Refuge and Rock. God bless,

Anonymous said...

Hi Laurie, yes Jesus is definitely our rock and refuge, and we do need Him in these times. I have been unable to get into my blog on my computer, and have only been able to connect from this, my new mobile. I shall have to ask my son to help me fix the situation,he is much more knowledgeable in that area than I am.🤗

Anonymous said...

Thank you Victor.

Brenda said...

For some reason I am coming up as 'anonymous'. Brenda

Sandi said...

I've been thinking of you, Brenda. Hope you are well!

The world was getting me down, so I am taking a break from it. Ha ha. But I started back reading blogs. I like it here. 😊

Laurie Collett said...

Hi Brenda,
Sorry to hear of the computer situation. Satan is doing all he can to disrupt technology for those who are spreading God's Word. Praying God will use your son to fix it. God bless,

Brenda said...

Hi Laurie, my son has fixed my computer but for some reason I tried to send a comment to Sandi and it would not send. Will try to find out what is wrong.

Brenda said...

Hi Sandi, just sent a comment to you but it did not go to you, but the one I sent to Laurie did go. Will try to sort it our.

Laurie Collett said...

Hi Brenda,
Hope you get it sorted. God bless,

Brenda said...

Hi Laurie,
everything sorted now. A cable was down near where we live, and we are on a peninsular, so it could have been that. God bless.

Brenda said...

Computer off again Laurie, will get it sorted.

Laurie Collett said...

Hi Brenda,
I've had intermittent computer problems lately too. Satan is working overtime, but He Who is in me is greater than he who is in the world. may your service be restored soon. God bless, Laurie

Brenda said...

Amen and amen to what you have said Laurie.Going to get a wireless connection for my workroom tomorrow. Watching a lovely Christian program on Revelation tv channel at the moment, lovely worship.

Aritha said...

Thank you dear sister. How are you now?

Brenda said...

Hi Aritha,
I have finally got the internet working properly in my workroom, and am able to get back blogging. It has been a very busy time here for me and my husband, but I am so glad that I can get back to what I love doing - interacting with people around the world. God bless you for visiting. It is late afternoon here now so am going to finish preparing our meal for today :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey mama B, you are such a talented writer! Both are such beautiful poems that speak straight to my heart ❤️ Ka xx

Brenda said...

Hi Kaz, have only just seen your comment on this post. Thank you for your lovely comment - all glory to Jesus our Lord, without Whom I could write nothing. xx

Laurie Collett said...

Hi Brenda,
Praise the Lord that He Who is in us is greater than he who is in the world, and that He has restored to you what you need to share His lovely message all over the world. God bless, Laurie

Great-Granny Grandma said...


Brenda said...

Hi Laurie, as I have just read your post a sentence came straight into my mind. 'I say to the Lord 'I can't stop loving you.'. It is part of a song, and that is exactly true - I can not stop loving our beautiful Lord. God bless you and Richard Laurie.

Brenda said...

Hi Great - Granny Grandma, it is lovely to hear from you. The word 'beautiful is very fitting for our beautiful Lord. Sometimes what we can not see physicaly is more beautiful than anything that we can see physicaly. God bless you with all the peace He has for us in this troubled world.