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Tuesday, 27 September 2022

My Journey through the wilderness part 3

 This is the final section of part of my early testimony, shortly after being born again into Christ.  

As I studied the Bible daily I could see that I could be one of two types of believers.  This fact was highlighted to me by the story related in Luke ch.18 vs.10 - 14, which reads:-  'Two men went up into the temple to pray: the one a Pharisee and the other a publican.  The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, 'God I thank thee that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.  I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I posses.'  And the publican, standing afar off would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying 'God be merciful to me a sinner.'  There was arrogance and pride in the Pharisee's prayer, but lowliness and humility in the prayer of the publican.  We are told that the publican went down to his house justified rather than the Pharisee.

This parable was spoken to some who trusted in their own righteousness and looked down on others.  I knew that I had no righteousness of my own and could only come before Jesus with the attitude of the publican.  I wrote these prayers to Him, and I believe He spoke back to me,  in the form of  songs.

Lord have mercy

Lord have mercy take pity on a poor man like me
I'm unworthy can't you see not holy like the Pharisee
have mercy on a sinner such as me

Some people say 'What good are you
you don't worship God as we'
but humility and honesty 
are what You're looking for in me

So Lord have mercy take pity on a poor man like me
I'm unworthy can't you see not holy like the Pharisee
have mercy on a sinner such as me

I want to dedicate my life to you
I want no fame nor wealth
I want to serve You with a heart that's true
but I can't do it by myself

So Lord have mercy take pity on a poor man like me
I'm unworthy can't You see not holy like the Pharisee
have mercy on a sinner such as me

Lost in the world

Lost in the world
I was entangled in sin and shame
Lord that was when I met You
Then from my grave I heard You calling
calling my name
with a voice that was gentle but true

'Turn around my child and look at me'

were the words that were piercing my heart
'Turn around from your sin - be set free
come to me and make a new start'

Then water so pure 
and crystal clear
was washing away
all my doubt and my fear
and the tears ran free 
as You said to me
'Weep no more child 
I have bought your peace
I have suffered in your place
all the blows the world has dealt you
I have taken on my face
Turn around turn around
and I will forgive
turn around turn around
turn around child and live

For I take no pleasure 
in the death of a soul
turn around seek my face child
and I'll make you whole

Strive no more child, I can bring release
I regained what you had lost
righteousness was purchased for you
when they nailed me to that cross
Turn around turn around
and I will forgive
turn around turn around
turn around child and live
For I take no pleasure in the death of a soul
turn around, seek my face child
and I'll make you whole

Sin no more child - turn and look at me
see that I have paid the price
so that You could have salvation
I became the sacrifice
Turn around turn around
and I will forgive
turn around turn around 
turn around child and live
For I take no pleasure in the death of a soul
turn around seek my face child 
and I'll make you whole

No I take no pleasure in the death of a soul
turn around seek my face child
and I'll make you whole

If we trust in Jesus He will lead us to that promised land.  There is no other way to be reconciled back to God.   1 Timothy ch.2 v.5 says:- 
There is One God and there is one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all.'

My final song I dedicate to that One God and His mediator:-

God sent His Son to us

God sent His Son to us 
ever to rule over us
Jesus came to teach us God's ways
here to take away the lies 
shining in life's darkened skies
evermore to brighten our days
He sent His Son to die
crucified for you and I
full of pain He hung on that tree
'though He was in agony
with words of love He begged for me
a pardon for my sins and set me free

Jesus walked upon the Earth
to buy for us our second birth
that we might see the Father some day
taking all the ridicule
from holy man and Godless fool
for you and me He always would pray
'Father look not on their sin
but change their stony heart within
I offer You Myself in their stead
Lay those painful stripes on Me
Oh Father set their spirits free
and place that thorny crown upon my head.'

He gave His life so willingly
that I might live eternally

And now I want that I should be
just like the One who died for me
Jesus Lord I call on Your name
Mold me shape me by Your will
tell my troubled soul 'Be still'
take away my sin and my shame
Jesus walk upon those waves
reach out to me the hand that saves
I'm sinking fast and don't know what to do
Lift me from this troubled sea
Oh Father change me destiny
and set me on the road back home to You

Lift me from this troubled sea
Oh Father change me destiny
and set me on the road back home to You

The whole of this three part testimony was written shortly after becoming born again and  being  baptised in the Holy Spirit.   In the letter that the apostle Paul wrote to Philemon he writes in verse 6 'and I pray that the sharing of your faith may promote the knowledge of all the good that is ours in Christ.', and this is what I believe sharing our testimonies does.  

There is a beautiful Welsh word 'dysgu', pronounced 'dusgee' The reason I say it is beautiful is because it means both to learn and to teach, and describes perfectly 2 Corinthians ch.1 vs.3 and 4, which says that we are comforted by God in all our troubles so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. 

There is learning and teaching in our trials but both are brought about by the Holy Spirit, and all credit goes to God.


Martha Jane Orlando said...

Once again, Brenda, I'm humbled by your writing talents. Thank you for sharing these gems with us!

Laurie Collett said...

Hi Brenda,
Such a beautiful, Spirit-inspired testimony in poetry. We have no righteousness of our own, and are blessed that the Father clothes in the finest robe of pure linen once we turn to His Son, like the prodigal from the pig pen. Trials are unpleasant but serve His purpose in educating us and training us to teach others.
May God bless you and your lovely ministry until He comes again -- soon, I pray.

Brenda said...

Hi Laurie, yes I hope our Lord will return soon.Trials are definitely unpleasant, but they really strengthen us when we persevere. God bless Laurie.

Aritha V. said...

Thank you Brenda!

Brenda said...

You are very welcome Aritha.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Thank you for continuing to preach God's Word.

God bless.

Brenda said...

Thank you Martha for your very kind comment. I messed up a bit in responding to it on my phone.

Brenda said...

Thank you for your comment Victor, it is what we as believers must endeavour to do in this troubled world. God bless you as you do too.

Brenda said...
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Brenda said...
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Brenda said...

Thank you Martha for your very kind comment.

Sandi said...

"humility and honesty
are what You're looking for in me"


"and live"


"There is no other way to be reconciled back to God."


Brenda said...

Hi Sandi, absolutely no other way of reconciliation. God bless, always nice to hear from you..

Laurie Collett said...

Hi Brenda,
Come quickly, Lord Jesus! May we always be thankful, even in the trials. God bless,

Brenda said...

Hi Laurie,
Amen to what you have said, John ch.16 v.33 is a wonderful comfort to us regarding trials. God bless you.